The Dragon's Neck
The Dragon's Neck Wiki

Eldritch Chain Printable version

Spell Details

Caster Level(s): Warlock Lesser
Effective Spell Level: 4
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Blast Shape
Component(s): Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal, up to 3 targets
Duration: Instant
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

This blast shape invocation allows you to improve your Eldritch Blast by turning it into an arc of energy that jumps from the first target to others. An Eldritch Chain can jump to one or more secondary targets within 30 feet of the first target, allowing you to make additional ranged touch attacks and deal damage to the secondary targets if you hit.

You can jump the chain to up to two additional targets. Each new target must be within 30 feet of the previous one, however, and it will not return to a previously damaged target.

Each target struck after the first takes half the damage dealt to the first target. This reduction in damage to secondary targets applies to any effect that increases the damage of your Eldritch Blast. You must also make a separate spell penetration check for each target, if applicable.
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