The Dragon's Neck
The Dragon's Neck Wiki

Retributive Enervation Printable version

Spell Details

Caster Level(s): Dead Necromancer 7
Innate Level: 7
School: Necromancy
Descriptor(s): Negative
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: You
Duration: 1 round / level

The world around you takes on a dim and muted tone as you are encased in a tight-fitting sheath of crackling negative energy.
This spell bestows a negative level upon any non-undead creature that makes a successful melee attack against you (regardless of whether the attack deals damage).
There is no save, but spell resistance applies.
Retributive enervation can bestow a number of negative levels equal to 1/2 your caster level (maximum 10).
Once this limit is reached, the spell ends, even if the duration has not yet expired.
Assuming a creature that gains negative levels survives, it regains lost levels after 1 hour.
An undead creature that makes a successful melee attack against you while this spell is active gains 5 temporary hit points that last for up to 1 hour.
*If a spells description does not match in game, this is considered a bug please report it.