Olly Burrows


Original poster
Beta Tester
Oct 7, 2020
Olly Burrows:
Height : 35"

Weight : 35#
Born : 1338/07/30 - Procampur - Lady's Happy Hall
Homeland : Rural Luiren, near Beluir

A lightly built and youthful Halfling with deep brown eyes, blonde wavy hair, thick sideburns and a beach tan.
He wears fine leather and scale armor of brown and brass hues, with many of the scales bearing embossed heads like oval coins. To his side he carries an oilskin satchel , a curved gardening knife and a wooden shield with clips of throwing stars on its inside. Upon his back is a small pack and a long wooden tube in which he keeps an antique bamboo flute. Around his neck hangs the symbol of Shalamora, flanked by tiny silver shamrocks and pieces of polished pollucite, thus it would be evident that he is of the Tymoran faith.
When speaking, he rings of rural Luiren with his broad accent and merry tone.

A letter and parcel sent home :

Hello all! I've missed you deeply.

It is a dark frontier that I have found, rife with superstitious fears, beset by a terrible storms and bustling with desperate refugees and sellswords. The lands around are plagued with dangers; its crypts diseased with necromancy, its farms and mines infested by armies of ants, great clusters of spiders and the whole malignity of goblin-kin. But worse, to my mind, are the dangers of the city itself, where those superstitions seem stirred by actors of foul gods who wish to sow discord and have Murann fall from inside. Magic is being molded into a scapegoat for all the folk's woes, not just the untempered arcane but the very workings of the gods, such that the priests of all benign powers must work under the same fear as those who would consort with demons. So, while it is right to question and moderate, and some do draw the line there, it is disturbing to see others vent their dangerously twisted ideology in the open streets of a city such as this.

I have had close encounters with dark fates already, yet fortune has steered me safe and, each time I put faith in it thus, I feel stronger for having done so. The doubts that I have had, the thoughts of just going home, have been allayed by consistent auguries that indicate I should remain here, as if there is a task that Shalamora has penned for me. Maybe she is unsettled, as I am, of the shadows cast over faith; and maybe she works against those dark powers who sow division and chaos, such that they may spread under the gloom of ignorance. Maybe there are her budding communities within these lands that lie in the path of armies of vile goblins and ogres, maybe there are many shrines to be rebuilt, or maybe she simply wishes fortune to those of fair heart who so boldly work here to make their own mark.

Given all this, I have become a distinct target for the local thugs and zealots, and I must shelve for a while what may seem a juvenile search for an infinite shoe. I am thus sending my first travel journal back to home, such that it cannot be used against me, or worse, somehow used against you. I cannot be bleak though; there is joy here amid those closest to me and I simply know there are warm prospects ahead.
My journey may have taken me much further than I had planned and I trust you will understand, given how far your feet also led you in your years of wanderlust. I shall write to you regularly and look forward to returning to the Bee for the undoubtedly happy epilogue of this tale that She has for me.

With love, Olly.


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