
The spiraling path of the chymist is embarked upon by those with boundless curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for transcending the frailties of the human condition, drawing in individuals who seek not just to enhance their physical and mental faculties but to redefine them utterly. Their pursuit is marked by a deep dive into the shadowy recesses of alchemical knowledge, where forbidden practices and the manipulation of life's very essence are par for the course. A chymist's journey is self-chosen, propelled by a desire to explore the utmost limits of alchemy and self-enhancement, rather than any preordained destiny or lineage.
Chymists subject themselves to extreme regimens of experimental concoctions and transmutative surgeries, willingly becoming their own test subjects in the pursuit of power. They imbibe elixirs so potent and dangerous that they cause drastic and irreversible transformations, turning their bodies into living testaments of their obsession. Their skin, marked by scars and permanently warped, becomes a grotesque canvas showcasing the lengths to which they have gone. While these self-inflicted alterations endow them with remarkable physical abilities, increased resilience, and an aura of almost palpable power, they also render their appearance monstrous, a visible sign of the price they have paid for their ambition.
The society they emerge from often rejects them outright; the chymist's radical self-modification evokes fear and revulsion. They become living symbols of the dangers inherent in unchecked ambition and the dark path of seeking power at any cost. They remind the world of the thin line between brilliance and madness, embodying the sacrifices required to chase an ideal far removed from human comprehension. In their relentless quest for power, chymists often find themselves having lost much more than they have gained, becoming feared and misunderstood outcasts.
NOTE: This class is universally treated as undesirable and generally is likely to struggle within the setting of TDN. As such, Chymist isn't recommended as an aspiration for new players or those who shy away from hardship, confrontation, and conflict in storytelling. This class is considered permanently Opt-In as soon as the first level is taken. To learn more about the Opt-In system and permadeath on TDN, please click this link.
Alignment Restriction: Chaotic Neutral & Any Evil
Hit Die: d8
Proficiencies: No additional proficiencies granted
Skill Points: 5 + INT modifier
Class Skills: All Knowledges, Barter, Bluff, Concentration, Craft Trap, Diplomacy, Discipline, Heal, Intimidate, Perform, Sense Motive, Taunt
Primary Saving Throws: Fortitude & Will
Base Attack Bonus: + 1 Levels
Ability Scores: Constitution 14+
Feats: Toughness
Skills: Concentration 9 ranks, Heal 11 ranks, Knowledge (arcane) 9 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 11 ranks
Level Progression
Level | Hit Dice* | BAB* | Fort | Reflex | Will | Feats |
1st | 1d8 | +1 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Unsightly Blisters, Unsettling Presence |
2nd | 2d8 | +2 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Choking Gas, Great Constitution |
3rd | 3d8 | +3 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Horrific Tumors, Agonizing Spores |
4th | 4d8 | +4 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Immolating Wax, Great Constitution |
5th | 5d8 | +5 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Alchemical Revelation, Great Strength, Great Dexterity |
Unsightly Blisters: Blisters immediately begin to form on the chymist's skin due to the alchemical mixtures they religiously apply to it. Though soft and painful to the touch, they offer the weathered skin they horrifically adorn a level of resilience against the elements. They gain resistance to acid, cold, electrical, and fire damage, in addition to a bonus to Intimidate skill checks, equal to their class level. However, they suffer a -10 penalty to Barter, Bluff, and Diplomacy checks.
Unsettling Presence: The chymist instantly makes his presence known to all around him, announcing himself with maniacal laughter, the dramatic reveal of the implements of his ‘work’, or an unphased stride of concerning overconfidence. All nearby creatures (both friendly and hostile, other than the chymist) receive a penalty of -2 to their attack rolls and armor class unless they succeed on a Will saving throw against fear. The DC for this ability is 10 + Intimidate skill. This ability may be used once every 3 minutes. Duration is 3 rounds. (Instant cast)
Choking Gas: The chymist recklessly smashes a globe containing a quickly-dissipating, debilitating gas at his feet, apparently uncaring in his vicinity to it. This ability functions as an Cloud of Bewilderment spell centered on the chymist that applies the effect immediately with no persistent cloud left behind. The DC for this ability is 10 + class level + INT modifier. This ability may be used once every 5 minutes.
Horrific Tumors: Through repeated experimentation, the blisters covering the chymist’s skin harden into horrifying tumors, acquiring a toughness akin to bone. They gain protection against physical attacks in addition to their elemental resistance, providing a +1 natural bonus to armor class.
Agonizing Spores: The chymist instantly reaches into his haversack and gleefully spreads a handful of what appears to be brown dust into the air. Though harmless at first, the dust is ground from fungal spores which cause intense pain when introduced to open wounds. As a result, all nearby creatures (both friendly and hostile, including the chymist) deal additional damage, as the Acid Weapon spell. This ability may be used once every 5 minutes. Duration is 3 rounds. (Instant cast)
Immolating Wax: The chymist pauses for a moment to quickly, and haphazardly, lather his body in a thick, foul-smelling compound. The odd wax mires incoming blows, granting the chymist 1d6 temporary hit points per class level for 1 minute, but that is not its primary function. With a little assistance from sparks generated by his opponent’s weaponry or, at a push, his own, the substance violently explodes in flame after 1 round, as a Fireball-like explosion of 7d6 damage, centered on himself. The DC for this ability is 10 + class level + INT modifier. This ability may be used once every 5 minutes.
Alchemical Revelation: With a sinister grin or a wild cackle, the chymist hastily prepares and tosses a satchel of his remaining unstable admixtures to a position of his choice. The satchel remains active for 5 rounds before becoming inert. If the satchel is successfully struck by acid, cold, electrical, or fire damage, it starts a grand chemical reaction followed by a massive explosion of scintillating colors and widespread destruction. Nearby creatures (both friendly and hostile, including the chymist) suffer 3d6 acid, 3d6 cold, 3d6 electrical and 3d6 fire damage. Additionally, for each element that deals damage to a creature, they must succeed on a saving throw or additionally suffer the listed effect (the DC for these saves is 10 + class level + INT modifier):
Acid: -1 penalty to attack bonus. Duration is 3 rounds. Fortitude save.
Cold: Movement speed is reduced by 30%. Duration is 3 rounds. Reflex save.
Electrical: The affected creature becomes stunned. Duration is 2 rounds. Fortitude save.
Fire: -1 penalty to armor class. Duration is 3 rounds. Reflex save.
This ability may be used once per day.