

* Admin Note: Taxation in NWN/PW environments can be a mixed bag in terms of aiming to adhere to a lawful setting, while ensuring that players are not breaking the bank to afford taxes. We have designed the Writ & Licenses to encompass what would be the "Tax" for Murann/Amn. Our objective is to ensure that even casual play will have no problem affording these licenses. License values & rates may change and adjust as the server's authority shifts and new issues, leaders, and challenges come to the forefront of the server's story.

Within the jurisdiction of a predominantly Lawful setting such as the Lands of Intrigue (Amn, Tethyr, Calimshan), all players are inevitably affected to various degrees by the land's economic ebb and flow. In the module of TDN, this primarily manifests though carefully curated PvE and player economies, e.g. dungeon loot, professions, housing, and the merchant system, but also as Licenses. From a Roleplay perspective, Licenses should be viewed as including the Tax that character must pay within Amn, so if an individual is referring to being taxed, that refers to paying for licenses (and vice versa), they also serve immersive roleplay purposes beyond the scope of mechanics, such as encouraging interaction between regular PCs and guard PCs.

These Licenses form a mechanical and in character system that your characters can invest currency in, whether to stay true to one’s alignment, to ensure at least a semblance of legitimacy and generally adding to it, or to remain well out of trouble's way - however Licenses aren’t an absolute necessity as some alignments inevitably wouldn't pay them nor care about them to any degree. Keep in mind this would exempt you from many a benefit, including ownership of housing.

The likelihood of being questioned about Licenses is slim as long as a PC takes proper precautions and avoids drawing needless attention. However some merchants within Amn may flat out deny sales if your required licensing is Expired.

Due to the deeply Lawful nature of the setting, Licenses are necessary for the easiest and most widespread access to both housing and Noble House RP opportunities, while truly Chaotic or Neutral characters abstaining from the Law’s benefits and disadvantages suffer more limited prospects in these departments, given the alignment’s roleplay implications and the inherent boons of alternative approaches they’d likely take instead, which also provide them with likely access to other avenues of RP, factions or otherwise, that Lawful characters may never see.

By circumventing the Law and staying out of its way Chaotic/Neutral characters are likely unaffected by local expectations and demands, such as being called to serve on behalf of the nation in one way or another, or saving considerable amounts of money over time in comparison to Lawful characters who are subject to somewhat frequent taxation and the government’s many other rules.

All of these items can be found and purchased in the Royal Registry in Murann, from the NPC clerk "Shereza Farrath". All new Characters will be provided one free distribution of licenses, however after that point will be responsible for maintaining and keeping their licenses current.


Nationality Writ

Cost: 200sp/4 weeks.

By the decree of the Seneschal of the Royal Registry, possession of this writ entails acknowledgement of the Swordbelt Council's authority over Southern Amn, and accepting that you may be called upon to serve the nation in its times of need, whether in war or peace. The nation's call may even demand swearing fealty to the Swordbelt Council and a particular High House at the discretion of the law. All within Amn fall under the direct jurisdiction of regional vassals, such as a lord, reeve, or town council that act as the proxies of the highest authority, Harbour King Degos.

This writ grants you Amnian nationality, with lawful bodily safeguard under Harbour King Degos' rule and that of his vassals. You have the right to seek refuge within city, town, and village limits, and have the right to vote in the election of a municipal council of representatives, within and without Murann.

  • Right to purchase housing.
  • Right to take part in votes on local or political matters.
  • Right to protection in and around the immediate vicinity of Murann, Trademeet, and any other settlements in the Swordbelt.

  • Must be maintained for 3 consecutive months if your origin is not native to Amn in order to be considered for a housing purchase.
  • Must be maintained if owning housing.

Sellsword License

Cost: 100sp/2 weeks.

By the decree of the Seneschal of the Royal Registry, possession of this license grants authority to the owner to venture into all regions housed within Southern Amn's borders. With this license you are permitted a twenty-five percent discount from any arms dealers or chemists that trade within Southern Amn, in acknowledgement of the danger presented beyond Amn's settlements.

Further, this license allows you to actively partake in culling the various threats to Amn's peoples, such as bandits, monstrous entities and the undead. This does not grant you permission to bear arms within Amnian settlements unless done in self-defense or when called upon by a local authority.

  • Right to a discount on non-clerical medical supplies.
  • Right to a discount on purchase of arms and armor.
  • Right to explore in locales beyond civilised areas within the boundaries of Amn.
  • Right to take up arms in defense of Amn and its peoples against hostile threats.

Clerical License

Cost: 160sp/2 weeks.

By the decree of the Seneschal of the Royal Registry, possession of this license grants authority to the owner to partake in activities considered clerical by the Swordbelt Council. This includes proselytizing anywhere within Southern Amn's borders, purchase of clerical supplies such as holy water, divinely blessed scrolls or divinely blessed alchemical wares, and the working of divine miracles within the city.

This license acknowledges that while you have the right to perform divine miracles within Amnian borders, while in the vicinity of a settlement you are only permitted to perform such activities within properties that have been officially designated by the current ruling authority, such as a temple or other place of holy worship, unless deputised by a local official. If you are unsure whether a property is officially sanctioned by the current ruling authority, seek clarification from said ruling authority or from the owner of the property.

  • Right to purchase of clerical supplies, including scrolls of divine magic.
  • Right to work divine blessings within certain parts of the city.
  • Right to aid with local issues on behalf of your god.
  • Right to proselytizing within the city of Murann and the Swordbelt as a whole.

  • The faiths of Cyric and Talos remain banned within the Swordbelt and Amn regardless of carrying a License.

Arcanist License

Cost: 130sp/2 weeks.

By the decree of the Seneschal of the Royal Registry, possession of this license grants authority to the owner to partake in activities considered arcane by the Swordbelt Council. This includes the peforming rites or incantations that are not considered to be of divine origin, as well as the study of these practices within the designated facilities and esoteric libraries of Southern Amn's settlements and the purchase and use of arcane scrolls and arcane-infused alchemical wares.

This license acknowledges that while you have the right to perform arcane magic within Amnian borders, while in the vicinity of a settlement you are only permitted to perform such activities within properties that have been officially designated by the current ruling authority, such as the Alchemists' Guild, unless deputised by a local official. If you are unsure whether a property is officially sanctioned by the current ruling authority, seek clarification from said ruling authority or from the owner of the property.

  • Right to purchase arcane scrolls and potions.
  • Right to conduct magic within certain parts of the city.
  • Right to use magic to aid local authorities if called upon.
  • Right to study the arcane using sanctioned facilities and libraries found within the city or settlements of Southern Amn.

Economical License

Cost: 70sp/2 weeks.

By the decree of the Seneschal of the Royal Registry, possession of this license grants authority to the owner to conduct trade anywhere within Southern Amn's borders, and the right to procurement of local resources within the wilds. Theft from owned land, such as a farmstead's crops or the lumber of a noble house, is punishable and forbidden by law.

This license only permits you to create or modify your own wares within the city of Murann, however you may be able to receive a temporary sanction from a regional vassal to do this outside of the city providing you own this license. Any special exceptions are to be sought in the Royal Registry.

Any and all magical creations must be done under the purview and supervision of the Alchemists' Guild.

  • Right to conduct trade in Southern Amn (selling own wares and services).
  • Right to harvest local resources in the wilds of Southern Amn.
  • Right to conduct professions within the city of Murann (alchemy, reforging, augmentation, etc.).

Other Taxes

Sales Tax

Tax Rate: 35%

All sales from a player-operated Merchant result in a 35% tax. This tax is paid by the seller of the item and is removed immediately upon sale of the item.