Recent content by Danuvis

  1. Danuvis

    Shilmista Forest - Amn or Tethyr?

    It is part of Amn, so I'd pick that, in the same vein as Wealdath elves pick Tethyr.
  2. The Gur, People of the Moon

  3. DM Guide & Expectations

  4. Festivals & Holidays in the Calendar of Harptos

  5. Freedom of Movement

  6. Peasant

  7. Danuvis

    20/08 Battle royale feedback : Arcane trickster

    All classes that underperform or overperform will be looked at sooner or later, so I wouldn't worry about a class remaining as unviable or less than ideal, and likely not for long either - we tend to address issues quickly, though class balance will to some degree wait until post-launch. All I...
  8. Danuvis

    Wiki Errors / Inconsistencies

    Should be fixed now.
  9. Danuvis

    Housing System

    Thanks for the suggestion(s). I'll address them below: Delayed Availability This is something we're already intent on simply to ensure the numerical values of housing will be matching the server's economy, though you've also made some fair points here. The exact time period that housing will...
  10. Danuvis

    Magical laws

    It's displayed under Systems in the wiki index. The categorisation you're talking about unfortunately isn't very reliable, so I'd recommend players look at the wiki index/main page when looking for something.
  11. Danuvis

    Magical laws

    This is our primary page for this. It may need revisions in the future, we'll see.
  12. Relevel & Rebuilds

  13. Lightning Weapon

  14. Danuvis

    Magical laws

    Generally magic is indeed illegal in our region, however that comes with some caveats and flexibility dependent on location for starters, and the individual casting. For example, a registered member of the Muranni Alchemists' Guild would have access to a magical license, which permits casting...
  15. Danuvis

    Magical laws

    They're intentionally not elaborated upon, as there's no need to do so (though we may include specific laws for particular regions or settlements if it makes sense). If you take a look at the list, you'll see there's laws such as: "Magical Recklessness", "Magical Assault with intent", and...