Alaeron Duskbow - The Obsidian Heart


New member
Original poster
Nov 8, 2021
Name: Alaeron Duskbow
Race: Or-Tel'Quessir Wood Elf (Elmanesse)
Height: 183cm (6'0")
Weight: 70kg (154lbs)
Skin: Coppery tan
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blonde

Physical Appearance:

A male wood elf. He carries a large darkwood bow, with a quiver full of many arrows strapped to his back. His clothes are elven deign, yet of simple make in forest hues of green and brown. Sensible and practical clothes. Several pouches are strapped to his belt. His skin is coppery, his hair is blonde, and worn long. His eyes are hazel – sometimes trending green other times brown.


I was born, by your human reckoning, in 1165 DR – the Year of the Obsidian Heart.

As a young elf I was fortunate to come under the tutelage of Regithlar Silverleaf, a ranger. It was he who taught me much about archery, hunting, and lore of the forest, the history of the People.

Almost one hundred years ago the King of Tethyr commenced persecution of those of elven heritage. It became a dark time for us. We withdrew to our forest. Wealdath - the Unspoiled Woods. It is a magical place, the last remnants of the elven realm Keltormir of old. It holds many wonders, and many secrets. But also many dangers.

I joined those who patrolled our borders. Doing what we had to do to keep our borders safe.

Recently steps were made to see peace between our people and those outside our forest. I returned to Regithlar’s abode but there was no sign of him, save a peculiar object left in the centre of his table. A small stone of obsidian, heartshaped. Moreover, a strange rune was emblazoned on its surface. I took it as a sign for me but its meaning I have yet to understand. It is said that you humans have lore and knowledge in your cities and towns. Perhaps I shall leave the woods for a time, and I may learn yet the secret to the rune and Regithlar’s message.

We shall see.

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