Johann van Reede


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Original poster
Jun 29, 2022
Johann van Reede
Johann Portrait.png

Johann Van Reede, twin brother of Annika, is the third “legitimate” son of the Van Reede family. The Van Reedes were a wealthy patrician family with a booming mercantile business based in Thesk at the time. With the burden of being the heir to the family firmly on the shoulders of his older brother Pieter, Johann shared more freedom in education and hobbies with his twin sister during their childhood in Thesk. This life lasted until the Time of Troubles and subsequent invasion of Thesk caused the family to uproot and move their lives westward to the kingdom of Impiltur.

Life in Impiltur was a much stricter affair as the Van Reedes found themselves needing to reestablish their status in a new society amidst the turmoils of a world now bereft of magic. Despite shaken faiths, piety and the Triad played a large role in Impiltur and the twins' further education was placed in the hands of the church. Johann took better to this than his twin sister as he had always been the more serious of the pair. He began training to be the squire of a Tyrran paladin which included martial exercises and the study of law. Mercantile law in particular being a foundation of the family business and practiced by the Van Reede matriarch, his parents were very approving of this path.

The Van Reede's newfound life was only just reaching a point of comfortable stability when disaster struck. Annika was discovered to have latent magical power which manifested suddenly and in violent fashion, causing the accidental death of one of the house staff. Suddenly his twin sister was the family's dark secret in a world increasingly distrustful and hostile towards magic. The family hid her away and rumor was spread of an unfortunate turn in the girl's health to explain her withdrawal from public life. Johann spent much of his time with her when he was not in training and seeing her struggles and loneliness had a sizable impact on him.

The following year saw the return of a new order of knights to Impiltur. Calling themselves the Palestone Order and led by a former paladin of Torm. The Order's teachings began spreading amongst the populace and church. Its ranks grew ever larger as the potency of magic increased and incidents attributed to its dangerous nature became more commonplace. Sir Sigmund, who Johann squired for joined the Palestone Order himself and Johann began learning bits and pieces where he was able from the man. The more he learned, the more convinced he became that this was the answer to saving his sister from her curse.

Hearing news of events in Amn, including that of an order of Palestone Knights who are more accepting of lawful uses of magic. The twins set out on an arduous journey to seek opportunity, answers, and a solution for Annika.
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