Liliana Blackwood


Original poster
Apr 28, 2022
Antwerp - Belgium

Liliana Blackwood



You see a young, slightly pale Tethyrian human woman with long, very dark brown hair. She has a small scar beneath the left eye, and above her upper lip, on the left side. Regardless of her outfit, she always has many decorative pieces of silver with the occasional gemstones on display, yet they are a part of her clothing in a manner that is both secure, and allowing for mobility. Several small bags and elaborate pouches are around her waist, as well as number of bound cases for scrolls or maps or other paperwork. Her spellbook is a black and red dyed, leather bound book with silver finishings depicting an almost maddening pattern of spellcasting handmotions, at the centre of which is a crest with a red background, and a black tree. She seems to have a close connection to a strange, black raven with a single white feather between it's eyes.

She carries herself with an air of ambition, cunning and dedication that settles in a rather cold and focused expression, yet there is still -some- warmth behind the gaze of her light green eyes. There's a certain aura of hardened stoicism about her, the kind of stubbornness of someone who doesn't tolerate obstacles lightly. Down-to-earth and very matter-of-fact, it seems like she prefers to focus on what she deems important, and anything else is of lesser relevance.


Born on Eleasis ('Highsun' / August) 12, 1344 DR (the Year of Moonfall), Liliana grew up during tumultuous times for Tethyrians. Her family had, a long time ago now, been making significant efforts in order to attempt to become nobility within the port city of Velen, only to have those efforts nullified by the succession conflicts known as the Interregnum. For most of her youth, she and her family hid with old friends of her mother's under a different family name, 'Varandis', having to cleverly conceal not only their wealth, but any sort of connections to old Tethyrian nobility they may have had. Conflict and banditry was rampant, and it usually didn't take much of a reason for some self-serving groups to raid small villages or homes, with hardly anyone about to stop them.

Despite such, as the only daughter of the family, Liliana was spoiled as often as possible, and oftentimes had a taste of the finer things of life, only for everything to be uprooted again and again as time went on. She enjoyed fine education under secret private tutelage, and soon enough developed a keen intellect that would rapidly surpass that of others of her age. She soaked up knowledge and stories like a sponge, and was ever curious about how everything worked, including people. She grew up on stories of the family's old successes, which would later grow into a point of pride, and a longing for wealth, power and prestige.

In her teenage years, she was even beginning to show signs of having powerful magic within the blood, beginning to be able to cast magic with naught but a thought, which was a point of reverence in the family. Though as soon as those powers began to rise, they faded as the Time of Troubles began, and consequently, the Longest Night. With the sudden decline of magic across Faerûn, keeping the family's wealthy origins became much more difficult with the decline of wards and illusions. They would see their share of betrayals and other tragedies in the times to come. Her father would turn to drinking and gambling away the family's remaining wealth, and would often return home angry and demanding. Her mother, Galenna, fell badly ill as the family was on the road, fleeing a pursuing group of raiders that had burnt down their previous home. Due to a lack of wealth and resources, as well as the decline of magic, Galenna ended up passing away in 1362 DR, and was buried in a clearing somewhere in the Wealdath. Liliana had been tending to her mother through the entirety of their illness, up until her dying breath, and thus had grown a bitter hatred for her failure of a father, Abbathor. It was a tipping point in her life that made her constantly want more control over everything around her, and the beginning of her ambitions to improve on the Blackwood name of old, once she was ready. To have the power at her fingertips to -do- something when someone she cared about was in danger.

By the time she was twenty years old (1364 DR), there was very little remaining of their initially rather sizeable family. It was just Liliana, her father Abbathor, and her brother Arthur, along with a few old members of the servant staff whom had nowhere else to go, and the few soldiers that were still loyal to the family (and still got paid). Due to necessity, Liliana's keen intellect was more steered towards becoming cunning in social circles, taking advantage of the wealthy by feigning romantic interest, only to con them out of a fair bit of coin and then leave, making them think it was all their fault. Though while she was good at it, she hated every moment of it, every moment of feigned affection and practiced etiquette, but more than anything, she hated that it was her father's fault it even got to that point. Her father, whom was now nothing but a disgusting drunk that spent thrice the amount of money you'd give him. Saving some of this dubiously earned money aside, she invested in anything magical she could get her hands on: wands, scrolls, instruction books. Not only was it clear that the innate magical power she once wielded was never going to resurface, but of all people, her brother Arthur had now begun to show signs of sorcerous blood. And while she was always on friendly terms with Arthur, that sorcerous heritage was always a bitter point to her. A cruel joke of the gods.

She would spend days. Weeks. Months. Almost every waking moment was dedicated to mastering the Arcane with the re-emergence of magic in the world. And when she wasn't nose deep in books, or practicing spells to varying (and sometimes disastrous) effects, she was busy being as nosy as could be, trading rumors and gossip with anyone she could, stringing along any would-be suitors to her advantage, and doing whatever else she could to get even just a small step further ahead in the world. Everything almost became a game of Dragonchess, where pawns could be influenced to do certain things, which would lead into a domino effect that would, eventually, even if slightly, benefit either Liliana herself, or her family. Even if that meant she had to be cold or cruel, sometimes, she had learned that the only people that mattered were those closest to her, and everyone else was just a part of the Great Game. In comparison to many others, she was still living a life of luxury, yet it was not enough. It was never enough.

Over the coming years, any news of the adventures and the rise of Queen Zaranda, and the heroic rescue by King Hadrak III, would finally bring some semblance of hope to the family. Hope for a change, for the better. Their wealth and influence had been depleted, and with it, any remaining retainers and guards had long since died or left their service. The efforts of the Blackwood family were all but forgotten after over two decades of suffering, and it was up to the two youngest ones, Arthur and Liliana, to (perhaps) make something of it, again. Their father had perished several years ago, though they don't often elaborate on the how, claiming the future is far more important. For a good three years now, the Blackwoods have been making their mark within the City of Sailors, Murann. Through some good, or clever, deeds for the right people, Liliana even acquired citizenship within the city, and is at best slightly respected as an up and coming mage with ambitions of nobility. Though there are, of course, many that now have their reservations when it comes to magic, and adapting to Amn has certainly been an endeavour. With the rise of refugees, an uncertain economy, and an even more uncertain future, Liliana knows that if she is to have a chance at attaining any semblance of the old family status again, she may have to get her own hands dirty. Perhaps, in more ways than one...

(( OOC: Liliana's brother, Arthur, will be a friend's PC, and their background is still mostly a WIP ))

The Blackwood Family
Blackwood Crest v2.png
The Blackwood Family had been a wealthy and respected, perhaps even slightly feared, family among Tethyrian middle class within the Port City of Velen for the last four centuries, and while they had often come close to being accepted into the nobility, rivalries, unfortunate incidents and economical disasters, among various other reasons, had always been in the way. For the longest time, they struggled to retain ownership lucrative silver mines in the region, as well as trying their best to have a hand in many a mercantile efforts and adventurous expeditions. In recent years, however, the Interregnum has struck them hard, and they have lost almost everything they once had, both in wealth and in favor. Now a nearly forgotten name, they aim to make something of themselves, once again...


There exist a fair few legends about the origins of the Blackwood name, though little to no records yet exist that are able to provide a factual accounting. However, there are still a few stories that circulate about, particularily among any nobility that bothers to pass the time with old stories and histories.

One such tale was that, about four centuries ago, a merchant's family came into some money and bought land upon Tethyrian soil for a cheap price, for a supposed dragon had ravaged the land with it's fiery breath, leaving little standing besides a blackened tree in the middle of a beautiful courtyard. When efforts were made to build up the place, traces of a rich silver vein were found beneath the ground. Soon enough, a mine was established, and the family enjoyed an influx of incredible wealth over a short amount of time, essentially becoming influential overnight.

Though another legend tells the tale that there was no such fast fortune, yet a strange phenomenon that began the story. A black tree had stood where the family had settled, since the dawn of memory, and it had the strangest of qualities. For in it's condition the tree should have, by all means, have been long dead. And yet, it sprouted the tiniest of leaves, and even bore fruit on occasion. (Though stories seem to differ on which kind of fruit) This often brought in people from the nearbly villages, which the clever family capitalized on by opening up a storefront near the tree. Soon enough, the tree brought in people from all over the place, and the family business was booming. It's through this cunning endeavor that the family had earned their wealth and respect.

A final tale is told even less, and mostly dismissed as simply a made-up story to scare children away from where they shouldn't be, or warn people away from magic. Or told by those whom wish to discredit the Blackwood family, in some way. Either way, it is said that there was once a beautiful, radiant and enormous old oak upon a hillside that could be seen from far away, said to hold some manner of magical power, or be blessed by some nature-aligned deity. People would pass by often, just to catch their breath and enjoy the view, but also to hold prayers, or make minor wishes, or sometimes even to have important meetings. It was a place of peace and comfort (and thus often attributed to Eldath), yet also indeed a place where magic was stronger than in most other places. The tale claims that, on one particularily lightless night, a person (in some tales a man, in others a woman), would come to the tree in search of power, and managed to drain it of it's magic so that they might empower themselves. This darkly gained power paved the way for their family to come into sudden wealth and success, and remains a part of their blood to this day.

As there are no accurate surviving records of the family's origins, no one can say for certain which story has more merit than the other, though the Blackwoods themselves generally accept the first tale as truth.


Like most Tethyrians, family remained of utmost importance to them, yet to some of the lower class, they had become 'just another rich snob family with no regard for the little man', despite all the good works the family would end up either funding, or participating in. In fact, oftentimes the family had helped to make precautions for situations like food or water shortages, and other ways to aid disasters with clever foresight or adaptation. Yet, for some, it was never enough, as they were likely already influenced by rival families to think of the Blackwoods in a certain way.

While the Blackwood family was relatively wealthy for most of their days, that did not deter a fair few among them from making a name for themselves as they struck out on their own, most in a good way, some in a bad way. Education was always important, especially because they could afford it, and so the family had no shortage of talented magicians (there were even rumors of a magical bloodline), healers, merchants, politicians and scholars of all kinds. But, as stated before, there had also been a few black stains upon the name. One such name was Esthesius Blackwood, whom was a rather infamous forger that was disowned from the Blackwood name, and ended up serving enough sentences to last five lifetimes. Another was Thessalia Blackwood, whom was an incredibly clever conwoman and an insatiable kleptomaniac. When she was caught, the family had to not only find and return every single thing she had taken, but pay through the nose to keep most of it quiet.

Their best, however, shone like bright stars on a bleak night sky. There was a Lomarius Blackwood, a renowned paladin of Lathander whom founded a short-lasting holy order to combat a rising threat of devils, and died a hero. There was also Verawynn Blackwood, a renowned and powerful magician within their family, and said to have been able to traverse the planes themselves. Some within the family still search for her hidden cache of magical items, hoping in vain that they may yet be of some use after the Longest Year.

But, all these legends stem from at least a fair few years before the Time of Troubles, and are of little use to the difficult times the family is going through, at current...


Things were going slightly downhill for the Blackwood family before the Interregnum even began in 1347 DR, as family rivalries began to escalate, and mercantile endeavors fell short. The history of the family had seen it's share of violent days, yet the conflicts waged over the Tethyrian royal succession drove even the most well-prepared families into a life of strife and concealment, and the Blackwood family were no different. Many days were spent travelling to distant friends or relatives, in the hopes that one would be safe there, and not betrayed for promises of power, or a share of the family's wealth. And while many such nobles learned to conceal their wealth or power, Abbathor Blackwood (father of Arthur and Liliana), instead spent his time wasting away what remained of the family fortune on gambling and booze, and reminiscing about 'the old days'. More than once, his drunken ramblings caused troubles for the family, causing them to have to move places once again, but worst of all, when his wife Galenna Blackwood fell seriously ill, they did not have the coin or means to properly care for her, on the road. With the turmoil and lack of magic following the Time of Troubles adding to it, there was no hope of saving her, and after she passed away, she was buried somewhere in a forest clearing in the Wealdath.

Other, more distant members of the Blackwood family were also troubled, many leaving the region entirely, others taking a fatal last stand against skirmishing forces in the succession conflicts, whether fulfilling an oath, or simply protecting friends. Many tales of those dark days still occasionally surface to this day, though many more yet remain untold, with countless secrets having been dragged into the grave. And so the Blackwood name, after being prominent for four centuries, was now but a pale shadow. Insignificant, in comparison to the great events that were transpiring. Now, with the return of some semblance of order and an established rulership in Tethyr through Queen Zaranda and King Haedrak III, what remains of the Blackwood family in these lands must pick up the pieces of a broken past. With little older official records remaining, and amidst a swarm of refugees, they cannot count on any official support, and so must count on their own talents and abilities to either bring their family name back into it's former glory, or fall into the fading pages of history...
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A harsh wind made the windows of the old house tremble, as if they had the same chills as the few merchants outside, whom yet stubbornly attempted to peddle their wares in the worsening weather. Raindrops began to pitter-patter against the glass, and upon the vines that suffocatingly climbed the wall around it.

She shot awake with the noises, not shook by their presence, but moreso in a panic that she was late, once again. The old weaver wouldn't be pleased, and it had already been difficult enough to get the position, after the other two candidates were... 'mysteriously' revealed to be involved in a scandal. Opening her wardrobe, the usual scowl began to grow upon her face as she was once again presented with a meager choice of outfits, the last remainder of her favourites after many of them had to be sold to get by. While getting dressed, she scolded herself in a flurry of mumbles for being late, and blamed the fact that she hadn't slept in a proper bed for the longest time. One last look in the mirror, and Liliana stepped out into the streets, and its unwelcoming weather.

But not before she was stopped by an old crone with thin, lanky arms and long, grey strands of hair. Mirielle, the landlady. Just about the last thing she needed, today. "Where's my rent?", the landlady snapped like some kind of angry crow. "I'll get it to you by the end of the tenday, Mirielle. I told you.", Liliana said with a stern and composed voice. "No you didn't.", crowed Mirielle, "You have until the end of the day, or you're out!". Liliana sneered at the old hag, but before she could say anything, a wagon had passed by in a hurry, and sprayed a fair few drops of mud across the back of one of Liliana's few remaining sets of clothing. "End of the day!", Mirielle crowed again, as Liliana was left standing in the street, gritting her teeth, and making her way to the weaver's. She didn't like to beg, but this situation was quickly becoming untenable...

She'd put up her best pleading face, and did an acting performance that would surprise many a bard, yet still it wasn't enough for the old and balding, brown-haired weaver. "Sorry, lass. Late is late. Already got someone else for the job.", he would repeat for the seventh time, before promptly shutting the door in Liliana's face. She huffed in anger, and was about to knock on the door again with a balled fist, before breathing out a sigh of defeat, and taking her things towards the nearest tavern, dejectedly. At this rate, she would barely have enough to renew her license to perform magic, and surely wasn't going to impress the Alchemist's Guild any. And who knows what her brother was out doing, or where. She needed new work, and she needed it fast...

Pouring through her notes and job options at a table in the dim light of the tavern, she got distracted by a rather rough-looking group of individuals whom were cheering, and slamming a few mugs together in celebration. "To another succesful venture!" said one, to which they all drank. Then, they began to split a sizeable amount of coin among themselves, for all to see. And it drew Liliana's attention, for sure. With any regular job, she would never save up enough coin... never catch the attention of the Guild, nor get a -real- chance at the family attaining any semblance of status, let alone nobility. But with adventuring? Sure, it meant having to deal with a great amount of outsiders and less scrupulous individuals, not to mention the monsters, and with no small risk to her own life, but right now? Right now, it was the best option. The best path to pursue. Or maybe she was just too enamoured with the large pile of coin that was being distributed in front of her.

Still... today, she would have to endure it. She'd have to face the stares of judgement. The gossiping behind her back.
She'd have to empty out the place she'd rented, and get a room in an inn, for now.
But tomorrow? Tomorrow didn't stand a chance.
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