Morro (Nimblefingers) Talbot


New member
Original poster
Mar 27, 2024
New York


His family having immigrated from to Athkatla when he was just a small child, Morro would never get to experience the splendors of the city of coin. His father (a tailor with a notorious drinking problem) squandered what money the family had gambling, forcing them to move to the River district. Morro grew up knowing what it was like to have an empty stomach and empty coin purse, something he vowed to amend when he got older.

He grew close with a band of miscreants that got large enough to join the ranks of one of the many gangs the slums were known for. The Rusty Daggers, they called themselves, a group of thieves, cutthroats and thugs eager to pinch the purse or cut the neck of any wealthy fool drunk enough to look for a good time in the district. Morro fit right in, his knack as a pickpocket earned him the name Nimble Fingers and he did well for himself.

The Shadow Thieves would often poach new talent from the local street gangs, and so it was no surprise that an agent of the thief’s guild approached the leader of the Rusty Daggers to bring them into the fold. Noone in the gang was really sure what happened, but a few days after this meeting, their leader showed up dead; hung by his neck outside a pig pen.

Panic ensued as the assumption was he had done something to irritate the Shadow Thieves, and the rest of the Rusty Daggers were next on the hit list, lucky, (or perhaps unlucky) for them these events occurred in Ches 1368.

Panic swept Athkatla as news of the Monstrous Horde led by an Ogre - Mage was making its way towards the city of coin. Looting and rioting ran rampant and Morro did his best to survive. With no family left in the city he was effectively on his own. It became a scramble for survival: Food, Coin, Weapons, whatever one could grab.

Morro was eventually able to escape the city with a group of Refugees and make his way towards Crimmor. From this vantage point he had a first hand view at the destruction of Amn. After the Clash of Crimson Crimmor, Morro had had enough war to last him a lifetime and began making plans to leave the city, but it would take another year (Mirtul 1369) and another siege before Morro would be able to leave. But he did not waste his time. Having befriended an older mage, Morro began to learn about the diminished weave from him, with plans on using it to make his fortune.

Today: Morro has hitched a ride on a trade caravan heading to Trademeet, from there he plans to make his way to Murann.

Description and Personality:

Morro Talbot, also known as Nimblefingers by some, is of average height and weightfor a lightfoot halfling, (3'4 35lbs.)
Thick dark brown hair that is often unkempt obscure his light blue eyes that give away an inquistive nature.
Lean and agile, he walks with a careful and cautious step.

Not prone to outbursts, but neither is he shy, Morro is typically a friendly person, happy to greet strangers with a smile, though its quickly discovered
that he has a shrewd mind under the grin.

Morro is never very far from his long brown leather overcoat, nor his travel satchel, these two pieces of clothing are weathered and patched but have clearly been cared for.
Morro can often be seen writing in a leather bound journal that he keeps in his satchel.
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