Mythrias Redbough


New member
Original poster
Aug 21, 2023

Mythrias, of Y'tellarien

"O, canopy above!

My heart weeps for thee!"


Mythrias is not one to speak freely; each word is a step, each conversation a path, each interaction a trail blazed - and so, as any good ranger, he steps only with purpose.

He is a Wood Elf of a particular breed, one whose inborn connection to the natural world has been transformed into a sacred oath. Yet he is no paladin, he is no knight, and no law outside the cycle of life and death shapes his vow. He is a ranger, moving through the underbrush as a protector and a warrior who will see any who transgress upon the beauty and sanctity of that cycle. He does not take pleasure in the violence of it, but he takes pride in his efforts as a guardian. To him, the suffering and death of interlopers is meaningless - his duty must be done, and this end justifies all means.

Mythrias Redbough is of a fairer complexion than most Wood Elves; his hair has the deep red of a fallen Autumn leaf, and he shrouds himself in colors that mimic the shrubbery and the oaks that surround him. He has a dour countenance, a scowl that could hide none of his bitterness, and his brow furrows as though there were a weight on his shoulders. He carries himself with a strange artistry, his speech like brush-strokes over a canvas of woodland ambience. Despite his youth, he speaks like elves of old, and it is clear he has inherited the arrogance of his forebears, and all the grating condescension that entails. He is no brutish warrior, but a poet and a storyteller. When those lofty walls of stoic silence finally fall, he regales those around him with tales of hikes awry and battles triumphed. These walls are most often scaled by his fellow elves, but a human or dwarf could prove themself a stalwart ally and join these fireside yarns.

When time comes that Mythrias must rest, and he can bare not a moment more of reverie, he is most regularly found etching poetry into the bark of fallen branches. While this ranger leaves little in the way of tracks or trail, his path is most easily traced by the remains of these writings.

He shrouds his deeper past in mystery, reluctant to delve into that which made him who he is. It will take a truly patient soul, and perhaps more, to learn the background of this ranger.

[dm me in the elfcord :D]