Ama'vae Reluriun - Daughter of Spring


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Original poster
Mar 25, 2023
“ To live in harmony with nature is to live in harmony with the People, our traditions and the joy of life in our hearts and souls ”

Birth Name: Ama'vae Reluriun

Origin: The Unspoiled Woods (Wealdath), Elmanesse Grounds

Age: Mature Elf (~200)

Race: Wood Elf

Gender: Female

Patron Deity: Ynaerala, Lady of Seasons

Favored Deities: Angharradh / Other Seldarine / Silvanus / Selûne

Alignment: Neutral Good

Class: Druid

Profession: Priest, Herbalist, Healer

Languages: Elven / Druidic / Common.

Height: 5'5 (~1,66m)

Weight: ~110lb (~50kg)

Build: Lean / Thin

Hair: Copper-coloured, Long and Straight

Eyes: Olive Green

Skin: Tanned, but Fair

Posture: Graceful, Poised and Elegant

Voice: Airy but Clear and Firm

Theme Song: Florence & the Machine - What The Water Gave Me

Portrait originally from Anastasia Fedorova, edited by winterflame.



With skin as if only tanned by the rays of sun that could pierce the densest canopies, the fair and clear complexion of Ama'vae sits beautifully framed by a striking long, straight coppery head of hair, acting as curtains to each of her facial expressions. Gentle and driven eyes of a light forest green behold the world around with imaginative curiosity, followed by her often neutral expression that yet manages to be welcoming to those that look to her, a sentiment supported by her breathy but clear tone of voice.

Sitting perhaps taller than the average elven woman, she is often seen with flowy dresses of greens and light spring tones, usually accented by delicate golden jewelry and flowery motifs if not literal flowers that she frequently adorns her hair with. Though she seems to wear no rouge, her lips are usually rosy from the red coloured berries she is many a time seen eating. It is easy to see that Ama'vae is lovely of appearance, though it is clear she doesn't put too much effort in it.

Her posture is poised and graceful, usually with a lifted chin and retracted shoulders, betraying her upbringing in what one could call a "proper" household, with her extensive vocabulary reinforcing that observation. Still, the attentive eye will notice that much of that demeanor could be considered rusty, and likely has been shed away throughout her years.



In a few words, Ama'vae is gentle, wise and bright. In a first impression she could be seen as quiet but very polite, though always with a knowing expression that betrays her as observant. Deeper conversation with Ama'vae proves her to be quite studied if not unambiguously scholarly in her world view.

To those that spend more time with her, she is always friendly, but reserved. Her affection for the People clear as day, and her love for the natural aspects of the world is plain to see in how she interacts with the flora and the fauna she comes across. Ama'vae is most visibly excited when she speaks of Elven Holidays, herbs and flowers.

Having lived the long life of an elf in deep study and meditation, Ama'vae is very self aware of her flaws and strengths, and seems at peace with embracing those aspects of hers. She is not one to doubt her beliefs, her faith quite unwavering even when struck with the uncertainty of The Longest Year. She doesn't impose herself and her beliefs on others except when she deems it necessary to do so in the name of her faith, and even within those situations she attempts to be empathetic, though firm. Ama'vae's druidic path has led her to a way of life she deeply enjoys and perceives as her life's mission.

Faith & Deities

Having come across many different faiths and beliefs, Ama'vae is bound to have opinions on the Gods. She tries not to spend too much time dwelling in thought of deities beyond the ones she truly worships, and is usually successful at that. The Longest Year has had an impact in the divine presence of deities in the Realms, though as an elven priestess of Ynaerala, Ama'vae is especially resistant to the panic this change has caused in the land.

Ama'vae is a woman of strong faith, and thus highly values the teachings of her Patron Goddess. As a druid of the Lady of Seasons, she is especially drawn to the aspects of Spring, understanding its part in the cycle and cherishing the elements of renewal and beauty found in Spring.

Though Ynaerala has many titles, the one most used by Ama'vae in her prayers is "Beloved Princess", as sign of her reverence towards the Goddess as the daughter of Angharradh and Corellon.​
Prior to becoming a druid of Ynaerala, Ama'vae was an initiate in the church of Angharradh, where she had served the Triune Goddess for decades as a devoted herbalist healer. Thus, her respect for the Queen of Arvandor is immense, especially living by her decrees of Unity of the People and nurturing Life as a whole.​
A faith that grew as she interacted with humans, though she doesn't often pray to the Moonmaiden, she welcomes her guidance in others, appreciating the Silver Lady's views of tolerance and understanding, linking it to her own views of unity, freedom and tradition sprung from her druidic path of Ynaerala.
Even being a druid of the Seldarine, it is difficult to not pay respects to the rawest aspect of nature in Faerun that takes shape in the Oakfather. The beautiful and the ugly, a balance necessary for life in all its forms. Ama'vae understands the natural need for Balance that the Oakfather preaches for.
The Seldarine
Being an elf, she sees it as only natural to pay respects to the Seldarine as a whole. Though not all gods within the pantheon are gods of nature - and the ones that are do stand out to her -, Ama'vae's faith in Ynaerala brings her to enjoy all elven traditions, even those that come with other gods within the People's faith.​


Four Seasons
by Cecil F. Alexander

The fields are rich with daffodils,

A coat of clover cloaks the hills,
And I must dance, and I must sing
To see the beauty of the spring.

The earth is warm, the sun's ablaze,
It is a time of carefree days;
And bees abuzz that chance to pass
May see me snoozing in the grass.

The leaves are yellow, red, and brown,
A shower sprinkles softly down;
The air is fragrant, crisp, and cool,
And once again I'm stuck in school.

The birds are gone, the world is white,
The winds are wild, they chill and bite;
The ground is thick with slush and sleet,
And I can barely feel my feet.

The last is done, the next is here,
The same as it is every year;
Spring - then sunshine - autumn - snow,
That is how each year must go.

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