June/July Developer Update

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Staff member
Dec 10, 2019

The Dragon's Neck Dev Update

We are thrilled to have kicked off our Beta, and handled some of the earlier bugs along with addressed some performance challenges. This Dev update will serve to be both for June & July. With Beta keeping the Dev team busy, our next status update will take place in August. Also, the June Livestream Q&A has finally been posted! Hit the link to take a look.

This update will have quite a few items to read through, so let's jump right in:
  • Open Beta Timeline / Status Update:
    • We've learned a lot in the couple weeks since we started Open Beta. We are still chugging along squashing bugs and continuing to put effort into the server to prepare it for our Official launch. While we do not have an exact date planned, we remain committed to ensuring that the server is fully ready before activating RP. I am also mindful of the amount of effort being put in by the Dev team, so that is a factor as well. I am aiming to have a good understanding of our Launch timeline by August 15th, and will announce it shortly thereafter.​
    • Thank you to the many of you who have submitted bug reports and feedback. We are working through them every single day.​
  • Deity Clarification.
    • Please be aware that the information on these pages may be altered to fit TDN's narrative. As part of these changes, TDN enforces worshiping restrictions for characters. Within the descriptions of the pantheons are those details. While we recognize this does limit some legitimate choices, we feel it helps minimize the policing of extremely strange and unacceptable choices. These restrictions are in place for character creation, but, through a DM, a character may be allowed to worship outside these restrictions after level 6. Characters who worship strange deities for their race may find difficulties within the narrative of the server and the TDN staff prefers for uncommon worship to develop within the context of the server's narrative and not from a very unusual backstory which may clash with the server's culture.
  • Clarification on "Epic" character backgrounds:
    • As Character Biographies are being crafted and generated, please aim to keep your characters Pre-TLY life to a manageable level. Martial characters should not be portrayed as world-renown experts in their field, and spellcasters (despite TLY), should not take the form of masterful casters. Best practice is to keep pre-TLY spellcasting around the Spell Level three level, so apprentice-level spellcasters are appropriate.​
  • Classes:​
    • Dread Necromancer Definition and Spellcasting Clarification.​
      • The source of the Dread Necromancer's spellcasting remains rooted in ambiguity. Due to The Longest Year, scholars have struggled to truly define the origin-source of Dread Necromancer spells. Some claim that the spellcasting is innate. Some believe it is divine. The more commonly accepted viewpoint is that the spellcasting is a learned practice, developed over countless hours of study and practice into morally-horrifying topics and actions. The practice of violently manipulating souls and reanimation of corpses to do the bidding of the Necromancer are considered Evil acts. Therefore, Spellcasters who choose to follow this path, choose to follow a path of evil.
    • Hexblade Definition/Concept Update:​
      • Hexblades are innate arcanists that, through some inner calling or by some form of mentorship, have mingled their spellcasting prowess with martial might. Owing no allegiance to any particular god or patron, they often find themselves following their own path. In the wake of The Longest Year and by merit of their application of the Art, most fear and distrust them even more than the average spellcaster. Hexblades tend to focus on personal gain, whether that gain is power, prestige, wealth, or all the above. At lower levels, the hexblade relies on melee ability augmented by his special power to curse his enemies. As he gains experience, he becomes capable of casting a limited number of spells while his curse ability becomes more potent and he gains the ability to warp the normal laws of probability.
    • Monks:​
    • Paladin:​
  • ** Accessory System Update **
    • Due to a Hard-coded Engine issue, we will be unable to support individualized coloring of Accessories. In an upcoming patch, this dialog option will be removed.​
    • Accessories will continue to pull from the color channel of your torso armor set.​
    • Technical Explanation: The NWN Engine reinstances the visual appearance of all PCs and NPCs both when they enter the area, and also when they enter the field of view of another PC. When this happens, all VFX (which is how we created the accessory system), are forced to be reinitalized visually by the engine, which forces the color channels to realign with the PC's torso armor color channels. Until this is fixed (which as it stands seems unlikely), players will have to stick with customizing their armor colors (which are still per-part).

Video Showcases

I'm pleased to announced the latest video production for TDN. The first is a Barky production, with some voiceover spice mixed in. Thank you to Lestat and Barky for the new spell VFX and work on video/editing for the spell effect showcases!

"Welcome to Murann"

Color Spray:

Ice Storm:

Eldritch Blast:

Ray of Frost:

Chain Lightning:

Scintillating Sphere:

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