

New member
Original poster
Apr 11, 2024
Name: Adrian 'Walks-in-Strife' Lovari
Race: Gur
Profession: Bounty Hunter

General Description
Angular, chiseled features are often partially concealed by the mane of thick, midnight black hair adorning this man's head. He is undeniably of Gur descent, though the dark emerald eyes that peer out from beneath those unruly, shaggy locks seem to indicate a hint of mixed parentage.

A scar from a blade marred the left side of an otherwise handsome face, often enhancing a scowl when his lips twitched into one, which is more often than not his most common expression outside of indifference. He is tall and broad shouldered, his physique one of sleek, rippling muscle that indicates he is well taken care of physically. While this might lend to a brutish stature, keen observation reveals that this man carries himself with a fluid, singular purpose reminiscent of a jungle cat stalking it's prey.

His choice of garb did nothing to enhance his presumed nature as Gur, seeming to go so far as to actively shun any excessive measure of color or flamboyant clothing that might lead one to believe he was interested in sharing song or story. Instead he dressed practically, favoring mostly muted shades that afforded him some measure of easier concealment.

Other than the pair of long knives sheathed and tucked into his sash, the only item of note that stood out on his person seemed to be a waterskin decorated with owl feathers, beads, and a few small trinkets. It seemed to receive more reverence from him than anything else he carried.